We gather around a table or in a circle of chairs. Our meetings follow a format (like a script) that a volunteer leader reads. The format usually includes reading the Overeaters Anonymous Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. Other OA literature may also be read. The leader may ask “Is there is anyone here attending their first, second, or third OA meeting?” Members are asked to introduce themselves using first names only. The meeting may present a speaker or read from OA literature or the OA magazine. Then the meeting is opened for “shares.” These are often timed so everyone at the meeting who wishes to can share. You do NOT have to share, but you can.
Halfway into the meeting (most meetings are one hour long), we pass the basket for contributions to pay the rent and support OA and make announcements. Newcomers are encouraged to consider buying literature rather than contribute as you do not yet know if you are planning to join OA. Then the meeting opens for shares again. The point of shares is to talk about our issues and how working the Twelve Step program of OA is helping us recover.
The meeting ends with an OA closing and everyone who wishes to join hands in a circle does so. As the meeting breaks up, this is a great time to ask members questions you may have about OA and what you heard. A member may offer to call you to follow up and answer any more questions you have once you have had a chance to look at the newcomer brochure Where Do I Start?