Send Your Story to Lifeline! Topic: “Abstinence through the Holidays” — Deadline October 31, 2025

Are you ready to write, record, or illustrate? Lifeline: Stories of Recovery is looking for member submissions on the topic of staying abstinent through the holiday season:

  • How have you stayed abstinent through the holidays?
  • What tip, strategy, prayer, or Tool has helped you the most?
  • How can working the Steps help during the holidays?

Share your strategies for shifting focus away from food, dealing with triggers, and joining in the fun!

Use the Lifeline and OA Literature Submission Form to send us your story or creative work by October 31, 2025! Stories will be published on December 1, 2025. Lifeline accepts non-English submissions, and all OA members are welcome to send submissions in their respective languages.

For more information about sending your story to Lifeline, see the Contributor Guidelines.