Dear Members of Overeaters Anonymous,
As you are aware, effective January 1, 2025, the suggested group contribution percentages changed to 50% to intergroups/service boards, 40% to world service, and 10% to region from 60%, 30%, and 10% respectively. While the Seventh Tradition pamphlet was updated and an announcement was made on, the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees wants to provide some clarification about the change.
- The 60/30/10 percentages are the original suggested group contribution percentages established in the 1990s and have not changed since. The suggestion to increase contributions to 40% for world service is necessary to support the increasing needs of our budget.
- The OA, Inc. budget has remained at US$1.8 to $1.9 Million for the past several years while the OA Fellowship’s needs have soared over that same period. Our World Service Office staff are overworked and in need of support. The added 10% in contributions will help support an increase in staff and enhance services for our membership.
- Literature sales have declined over the past several years. Your additional contributions are needed to balance the budget so OA can thrive and continue to serve our global Fellowship.
- The Board of Trustees realize how important the website is to our members, especially the Find a Meeting section. With your interests in mind, the board has allocated over $100,000 to fund much-needed website improvements. Your continued support for this project and future endeavors are very much appreciated.
We urge you as members to review your group’s and service body’s financials to ensure your group or service body is not holding onto much-needed funds that should be distributed.
Please know the Board of Trustees and our Managing Director and World Service Office staff are working hard to provide our members with the best service possible while spending our resources in the most responsible manner. Though the trustees are all volunteers, we take our positions and responsibility seriously. We are committed to OA’s primary purpose and to the long-term success and highest good for OA as a whole.
Thank you for your continued support!
The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees