World Service Business Conference 2025

AConference Policy 2010d: Rename Young People’s Committee to Young Adults Committee133696%
BConference Policy 1992a: Unity with Diversity statement to add “we do not try to convince any member or visitor to adopt a belief in God”1112383%
CConference Policy 2018b: Revise “bariatric surgery” reference to “medically recommended methods of weight management”1380100%
DReinstate To the Teen pamphlet and responsibility towards teensRuled out of order
1Amend Article VI, Section 1 to disband Region 4 and assign Region 4 intergroups to other regions135497%
2Amend Article VII, Section 4 to add “two specific ideas in writing to improve the health and long-term survival of the Fellowship” to board qualifications1103079%
3Amend Article VII, Section 1 to reduce the number of trustees to between 13 and 15136398%
4Amend Article XII, Section 1 to remove the 55 percent response of registered groups to approve the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions1261391%
5Amend Articles I and II to remove gender from the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions1122482%
6Amend Article VIII, Section 1 to host the annual Conference virtually1083078%
7Amend Article VIII, Section 3 to allow volunteers to address the annual Conference129993%
8Amend Article VIII, Section 4 to add the days and hours for delegate notices136398%
9Amend Article VII, Section 5 to allow trustees not serving as a region liaison to submit their applications to the board for affirmation133596%
10Amend Article VI, Section 3 to allow an intergroup or national service board to affiliate with any region131795%
11Amend Article V, Section 6 in Subpart A to designate how board meetings functionRuled out of order