World Service Business Conference 2025
Dear Delegate,
It is with pleasure that we welcome you as a delegate to OA’s 2025 World Service Business Conference (WSBC). Your participation in the group conscience of Overeaters Anonymous is important. Please keep in mind the decisions made by you and the other delegates at this WSBC will affect OA for years to come.
About the Conference
During the business meetings, you and other delegates will discuss and vote on proposed New Business Motions and Bylaw Amendments. You will have an opportunity to ask questions about reports from officers, regions, and committees; participate in business meetings; and hear important presentations about OA. Please carefully review the Conference agenda under Frequently Used Documents on the Conference web page. It provides detailed information about each business meeting and the various presentations, workshops, and events for delegates.
You will hear brief speeches from and ask questions of trustee candidates. Decisions must be made as to the suitability of candidates to serve as trustee. There are five trustee nominees and six open trustee positions. Any vacancies will be announced at Conference and the Board of Trustees will determine if those positions should be filled.
Motions and Pertinent Material
Included on the Conference web page are the trustee applications and other information regarding delegate arrangements. The current Bylaws of Overeaters Anonymous, Inc., Subparts A and B, and the current Business Conference Policy Manual listing all the continuing effects motions adopted by past Business Conferences are available under Frequently Used Documents. It is important you carefully read all these materials.
Based on the results of the Agenda Questionnaire provided to all intergroups/service boards, New Business Motions A-C and Bylaw Amendments 1-10 will be placed on the agenda and will be discussed at WSBC. The final Agenda Questionnaire results are available on the Conference web page.
Secure Delegate Web Page
The secure delegate web page will be available to registered delegates in early April. An email will be sent to all registered delegates with instructions on how to access the secure web page.
The Delegate Binder will also be available to download in early April and contains the Conference schedule; general information; reports from all regions and all committees; reports from the chair of the Board of Trustees, the treasurer, and the managing director; proposed New Business Motions and Bylaw Amendments; and the trustee applications. It is important for you to read the Binder material thoroughly prior to your attendance at the first business meeting.
All registered delegates will receive instructions about your delegate credentials. Please follow the instructions when logging into each meeting of the WSBC. If, for any reason, you relinquish your position as delegate to an alternate, please email Sandy Zimmerman for proper transfer of credentials.
Delegate Arrangements
Delegates are expected to serve on a committee. If you have signed up to serve on a Conference committee, your committee assignment should be emailed to you by the delegate cochair along with information on when your committee meeting is scheduled.
If you have questions, please contact Sandy Zimmerman ( at the World Service Office. She will be delighted to assist you.
We look forward to seeing you.
OA World Service Office Staff
Conference Planning Committee