It is suggested that a neutral, experienced OA member facilitate an inventory for a group or service body. Region boards can assist with finding members who can provide this type of support.

Use an entire meeting for an honest and fearless discussion of the group’s weaknesses and strengths.

This inventory is divided into two parts. A is an inventory of the group as a whole; B is a personal inventory of a member’s behavior in the group.

A. Group Inventory*

  1. Does our meeting start and end on time?
  2. Are all attending, including newcomers, greeted and made to feel welcome and accepted?
  3. Does our meeting focus on OA recovery through the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions?
  4. Do we offer our own experience, strength, and hope, sharing the solution we have found?
  5. Is the group contributing financially to all levels of OA service as per our Seventh Tradition?
  6. Are sponsors available and identified at the meeting?
  7. Does our group practice anonymity by reminding members not to repeat who is seen or what personal sharing is heard at a meeting?
  8. Does our group follow a meeting format?
  9. Is only OA-approved literature on display and for sale?
  10. Does our group welcome and support individual members who use a variety of OA-approved literature?
  11. Are group conscience meetings held regularly?
  12. Are all service positions filled, and is rotation of service practiced?
  13. Is our meeting information readily available, and is the World Service Office informed of all meeting
    details and changes so that newcomers and visitors can find our meeting?
  14. Are cross talk and advice-giving avoided?

B. Determine your part in the group

  1. Do I make a point to welcome new members, talk with them, and offer my phone number? Do I sponsor new members?
  2. Do I interrupt speakers or other members who are sharing?
  3. Do I give my full attention to the speakers, the secretary, and other group members?
  4. Do I ever repeat anything personal I have heard at meetings or from another member?
  5. Do I put pressure on the group to accept my ideas because I have been in the Fellowship a long time?
  6. Do I take part in meetings, or do I sit and listen?
  7. Do I volunteer or willingly accept a group office (e.g., secretary, treasurer)? Do I offer to help set up, clean, etc.?
  8. Do I criticize others in the group or gossip about them?
  9. Do I insist on requirements other than those in Tradition Three, including telling others that they should use only specific literature, or they can’t be in the Fellowship, or that they cannot use the services of health care professionals, such as psychologists or dietitians?
  10. Do I try to give advice?
  11. Is it difficult for me to realize that my point of view may not always be the group conscience? Can I accept disagreement?
  12. Do I use the telephone or electronic communication to help myself and others, not just for complaints and gossip?
  13. Do I make it a point to speak with newcomers who are having a difficult time in the program? Do I let them know they are welcome?
  14. Do I monopolize the conversation and explain every Tool, Tradition, etc.?
  15. Do I feel no one can lead a meeting as well as me?
  16. Do I go to meetings to learn instead of teach?
  17. Do I cross talk and cause meetings to go off on tangents?
  18. Do I wait until announcement time to make proper OA announcements?
  19. Do I have a topic so everyone can participate at meetings I chair?
  20. Do I try to cause dissension?
  21. Do I follow the meeting format completely?
  22. Do I commit myself to the OA program?
  23. Do I have a sponsor and work the Steps?
  24. Do I give service to promote group growth and benefit my own growth as well?
  25. Am I only interested in my own welfare, or am I concerned for my fellow OA members as well?

*Part A of this inventory is the same as the Strong Meeting Checklist.

OA Responsibility Pledge

Always to extend the hand and heart of OA
to all who share my compulsion;
for this I am responsible.

Reprinted from Service, Traditions, and Concepts Workshop Manual, © 1998, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2022. Overeaters Anonymous Inc. All rights reserved.

OA Board-approved
© 2008, 2022 Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. All rights reserved. Rev. 2/2023