This writing exercise is an approach using the Twelve Steps of OA to deal with life’s challenges without turning to food. Enhance your recovery by using this document individually or as the focus of a workshop.

  1. I admit I am powerless over ________________________________________. How does this make my life unmanageable?
  1. Do I believe that a power greater than myself can restore me to sanity? YES or NO If no, explain why not. What would recovery like in relation to this problem?
  1. Have I made a decision to turn ________________________________________ over to the care of God/Higher Power? YES or NO If no, explain why not?
  1. Make a searching and fearless moral inventory of myself. List any fears, resentments, harms. What is my part in this?
  1. Am I willing to admit to God/Higher Power, myself, and another person the exact nature of the wrongs that contributed to the situation? If YES, then continue to number 6. If NO, return to number 1.
  1. Am I entirely ready to have God/Higher Power remove these defects of character? YES or NO If no, explain why not?
  1. Have I humbly asked God/Higher Power to remove my shortcomings? YES or NO (Refer to fears, resentments, harms, in number 4 above.)
  1. Make a list of all persons I have harmed because of this. (Include yourself.) How have they been harmed? Am I willing to make amends to them all?
  1. How and when will I make amends?
  1. Continue to take personal inventory. What specific actions can I take today?
  1. What specific actions can I take today to establish, re-establish, improve conscious contact with God/Higher Power?
  1. What spiritual awakening/new insight have I had as a result of working these Spets on this specific problem?

© 2015 Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. Board approved