April 2024
OA Day of Recovery
Saturday 11:00 am - Saturday 4:00 pm
St. John’s Episcopal Church dining room
2827 Wheat St., Columbia, 29205, SC, USA. Zoom- https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8296736488?pwd=dDhDWVFJc1U1a3p5V1R6KytnUm5Qd Meeting ID: 829 673 6488 Passcode: 4Dimension
Attend online at: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8296736488?pwd=dDhDWVFJc1U1a3p5V1R6KytnUm5Qdz09 11–11:30a: Welcome & Fellowship with coffee,
Attend online at: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8296736488?pwd=dDhDWVFJc1U1a3p5V1R6KytnUm5Qdz09
11–11:30a: Welcome & Fellowship with coffee, tea, and water.
11:30a-12:30p: Intergroup Meeting – – Everyone is invited. Agenda CONSENT AGENDA PACKET: MINUTES, TREASURER’S REPORT
12:30-1p: Lunch Break – we will leave the zoom link open to visit but no one must. In person folks will bring their lunch. OA will provide coffee, tea, and water.
1-3:30p: Service Workshop – Part 1 of 3, based on the Service, Traditions and Concepts Workshop from World Service Office in 2021. We’ll talk about why service is important to recovery, as well as the OA service structure and why it matters to you. We’ll hear from OA members who have served at different levels (Region, Intergroup, Group) and how you can get involved, along with time for sharing about our own experiences with service. Facilitator: Breanne
3:30-4p: Tour of CMI Website Facilitators: IT Committee Members
Door Prize (must be present to win, virtually or in-person) Someone will win a US$100 shopping spree to: bookstore.oa.org.
Suggested Contribution
Seventh Tradition