February 2024
Saturday 10:00 am - Saturday 11:35 am
The Lighthouse building on Aurora Psychiatric Hospital Campus
1220 Dewey Ave, Wauwatosa, WI 53213, United States
We will have two speakers followed by sharing in breakout rooms and small groups. We will close with a brief guided meditation and moment of silence, followed by the
We will have two speakers followed by sharing in breakout rooms and small groups. We will close with a brief guided meditation and moment of silence, followed by the OA Promise.
Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85095496827?pwd=Nm1QVm5MZ3BFUUlONjZrSTRkdldJQT09Meeting ID: 850 9549 6827
Passcode: 1212
Join by Phone
Meeting ID: 850 9549 6827 #
Passcode: 1212
US$5 (or more or less as you can – all are welcome)