Who can attend the World Service Business Conference?

Delegates from service bodies around the world attend the World Service Business Conference to represent the group conscience of OA as a whole. Volunteers are welcome to give service. Guests are permitted to observe the business meetings as well.

What, when, and where is World Service Business Conference?

The World Service Business Conference is the annual business meeting of Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. World Service Business Conference serves as the collective conscience of the Fellowship of Overeaters Anonymous. Held annually in April or May, this week-long meeting is attended by delegates representing OA service bodies around the world. It is held to elect trustees, amend … Continued

What is the World Service Convention?

The World Service Convention is a recovery event open to all OA members worldwide. This convention is held every five years to promote recovery, fun, and fellowship in Overeaters Anonymous. You can attend workshops, marathons, and other OA-related events, and hear speakers from other countries. Come share your experience, strength, and hope with hundreds of … Continued

What and when is Unity Day?

Unity Day is a day to celebrate the connection of all members and groups of OA to one another. It occurs the last Saturday in February in even years and the last Sunday in February in odd years at 11:30 a.m. local time. It is encouraged that all members of OA take a moment of … Continued

What and when is Twelfth Step Within Day?

December 12 (12/12) each year is designated as OA’s International Twelfth Step Within Day. The purpose is to encourage OA service bodies, meetings, and individual members to reach out to those within the Fellowship who are still suffering from compulsive eating behaviors.

What and when is Sponsorship Day?

Celebrated the third full weekend (Friday included) of August, this is a day set aside to acknowledge the importance of sponsoring in our Fellowship.

What and when is the OA Birthday?

The third full weekend (Friday included) of January has been set aside as the annual celebration of the January 19, 1960 founding of Overeaters Anonymous.