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# 1
Saturday 7:30 AM
Eastern Time
Eastern Time
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Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings.
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings.
Meeting #: 800700
Notes: Our OA Persian/Farsi Website:
Notes: Our OA Persian/Farsi Website:
# 2
Saturday 7:30 AM
Eastern Time
Eastern Time
- Online
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Vaya al enlace URL del sitio web que aparece arriba. Meeting ID: 2471121212, CLAVE 356121212
Online procedures:
Vaya al enlace URL del sitio web que aparece arriba. Meeting ID: 2471121212, CLAVE 356121212
Meeting #: 801681
Notes: PASO 11
Notes: PASO 11
# 3
Saturday 8:00 AM
Eastern Time
Eastern Time
- Face to Face
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Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 851 1736 6930, Find your local number:
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 851 1736 6930, Find your local number:
Face-to-face info
Virtual meeting. Hybrid 1st Saturday of even months.
Meeting #: 45499
Notes: Face to Face on the 1st Saturday of even months only.
Notes: Face to Face on the 1st Saturday of even months only.
# 4
Saturday 8:00 AM
Eastern Time
Eastern Time
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Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 883 5909 4054, Passcode: 121212
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 883 5909 4054, Passcode: 121212
# 5
Saturday 8:30 AM
Eastern Time
Eastern Time
- Face to Face
- Online
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 212 972 105, Password: MensOA, One tap mobile: 19292056099, 212972105# US (New York), 13126266799,,212972105# US (Chicago).
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 212 972 105, Password: MensOA, One tap mobile: 19292056099, 212972105# US (New York), 13126266799,,212972105# US (Chicago).
Face-to-face info
St Paul's Espiscopal Church-Hybrid Meeting
Meeting #: 53549
Notes: Hybrid Face-to-face/Zoom. Please use the North door of the church.
Notes: Hybrid Face-to-face/Zoom. Please use the North door of the church.
# 6
Saturday 9:00 AM
Eastern Time
Eastern Time
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Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 846 8269 1060, Passcode: 839471
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 846 8269 1060, Passcode: 839471
Meeting #: 800972
Notes: Please respect our Focus. We meet daily at 9:00 AM Eastern time. We begin with a 10-minute guided meditation, read the day’s Voices of Recovery, then share about it or any other recovery topic.
Notes: Please respect our Focus. We meet daily at 9:00 AM Eastern time. We begin with a 10-minute guided meditation, read the day’s Voices of Recovery, then share about it or any other recovery topic.
# 7
Saturday 9:30 AM
Eastern Time
Eastern Time
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Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings.
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings.
Meeting #: 801271
Notes: Our OA Persian/Farsi Website:
Notes: Our OA Persian/Farsi Website:
# 8
Saturday 10:00 AM
Eastern Time
Eastern Time
- Face to Face
- Online
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above. Meeting ID: 603 927 655, password: 414.
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above. Meeting ID: 603 927 655, password: 414.
Face-to-face info
All Saints Cathedra- Hybrid meeting
Meeting #: 57013
Notes: Hybrid face-to-face/Zoom meeting. Men's Rotating Steps, Traditions, Literature meeting.
Notes: Hybrid face-to-face/Zoom meeting. Men's Rotating Steps, Traditions, Literature meeting.
# 9
Saturday 10:00 AM
Eastern Time
Eastern Time
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Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 849 4001 8811, Password: 082448. If you need asistance call the contact person.
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 849 4001 8811, Password: 082448. If you need asistance call the contact person.
Meeting #: 801065
# 10
Saturday 10:00 AM
Eastern Time
Eastern Time
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Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above. For login details, email the contact person at to recieve the acces link
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above. For login details, email the contact person at to recieve the acces link
Meeting #: 801221
Notes: Wk 1: Newcomer meeting; Wk 2: Tools of Recovery; Wk 3: Big Book Literature; Wk 4: Meditation and Writing
Notes: Wk 1: Newcomer meeting; Wk 2: Tools of Recovery; Wk 3: Big Book Literature; Wk 4: Meditation and Writing
# 11
Saturday 10:30 AM
Eastern Time
Eastern Time
- Online
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Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 869 4526 7583, Passcode: 12345 Find your local number:
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 869 4526 7583, Passcode: 12345 Find your local number:
Meeting #: 800183
Notes: This is a 2-hour OA HOW meeting for men; please respect the special focus. Our group name is Brothers in Recovery.
Notes: This is a 2-hour OA HOW meeting for men; please respect the special focus. Our group name is Brothers in Recovery.
# 12
Saturday 12:00 PM
Eastern Time
Eastern Time
- Online
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Accédez au lien URL du site Web ci-dessus. ID de réunion: 847 0648 0913, Code secret: 121209
Online procedures:
Accédez au lien URL du site Web ci-dessus. ID de réunion: 847 0648 0913, Code secret: 121209
Meeting #: 801367
Notes: Bonsoir Espoir Réunion à 18h les samedis et dimanches sur Zoom ouverte le 3 ieme samedi du mois
Notes: Bonsoir Espoir Réunion à 18h les samedis et dimanches sur Zoom ouverte le 3 ieme samedi du mois
# 13
Saturday 12:30 PM
Eastern Time
Eastern Time
- Online
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID;83799831583, password; Recovery,
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID;83799831583, password; Recovery,
Meeting #: 800995
Notes: This is a men's discussion meeting on the 12 steps and 12 traditions, please respect the focus.
Notes: This is a men's discussion meeting on the 12 steps and 12 traditions, please respect the focus.
# 14
Saturday 1:00 PM
Eastern Time
Eastern Time
- Online
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Vaya al enlace URL del sitio web de arriba Meeting ID: 796 916 5402, Passcode:121212
Online procedures:
Vaya al enlace URL del sitio web de arriba Meeting ID: 796 916 5402, Passcode:121212
Meeting #: 801487
Notes: GRUPO LIBERTAD VIRTUAL CCA/OA 2 JUNTAS DIARIAS 10:00 AM Hora del Pacífico 11:00 AM CDMX 6:00 PM Hora del Pacífico 7:00 PM CDMX
Notes: GRUPO LIBERTAD VIRTUAL CCA/OA 2 JUNTAS DIARIAS 10:00 AM Hora del Pacífico 11:00 AM CDMX 6:00 PM Hora del Pacífico 7:00 PM CDMX
# 15
Saturday 6:00 PM
Eastern Time
Eastern Time
- Online
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 884 4817 8854. Password: recovering
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 884 4817 8854. Password: recovering
Meeting #: 801081
Notes: AA. Big Book. Special Focus on Maintaining a Safe Space for Men to share Exp. Strength, and Hope on the Big Book who have had the challenge of being 100-1000 overweight. Anyone who has desire to stop eating compulsively is welcome.
Notes: AA. Big Book. Special Focus on Maintaining a Safe Space for Men to share Exp. Strength, and Hope on the Big Book who have had the challenge of being 100-1000 overweight. Anyone who has desire to stop eating compulsively is welcome.
# 16
Saturday 7:00 PM
Eastern Time
Eastern Time
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Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above.Meeting ID: 821 0593 3707, Passcode 089864
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above.Meeting ID: 821 0593 3707, Passcode 089864
Meeting #: 89029
Notes: Please respect the Men's meeting focus.
Notes: Please respect the Men's meeting focus.
# 17
Saturday 9:00 PM
Eastern Time
Eastern Time
- Online
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Vaya al enlace URL del sitio web de arriba Meeting ID: 796 916 5402, Passcode:121212
Online procedures:
Vaya al enlace URL del sitio web de arriba Meeting ID: 796 916 5402, Passcode:121212
Meeting #: 801488
Notes: GRUPO LIBERTAD VIRTUAL CCA/OA 2 JUNTAS DIARIAS 10:00 AM Hora del Pacífico 11:00 AM CDMX 6:00 PM Hora del Pacífico 7:00 PM CDMX
Notes: GRUPO LIBERTAD VIRTUAL CCA/OA 2 JUNTAS DIARIAS 10:00 AM Hora del Pacífico 11:00 AM CDMX 6:00 PM Hora del Pacífico 7:00 PM CDMX
# 18
Sunday 1:00 AM
Eastern Time
Eastern Time
- Online
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Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings.
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings.
Meeting #: 801137
Notes: Our website:
Notes: Our website:
# 19
Sunday 1:15 AM
Eastern Time
Eastern Time
- Online
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Accédez au lien URL du site Web ci-dessus. ID de réunion: 835 3166 0315, Code secret: 121209
Online procedures:
Accédez au lien URL du site Web ci-dessus. ID de réunion: 835 3166 0315, Code secret: 121209
Meeting #: 801404
Notes: OAmis du matin - Désireux de trouver une réunion dès le matin qui nous permet de nous connecter à notre PS. Nous lisons une pensée OA du jour suivi d'une méditation suivi d'un temps d'écriture. Nous mettons nos idées et nos forces en commun.
Notes: OAmis du matin - Désireux de trouver une réunion dès le matin qui nous permet de nous connecter à notre PS. Nous lisons une pensée OA du jour suivi d'une méditation suivi d'un temps d'écriture. Nous mettons nos idées et nos forces en commun.
# 20
Sunday 5:00 AM
Eastern Time
Eastern Time
- Online
Meeting #: 89209