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# 1
Sunday 8:00 AM
Eastern Time
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic:
Specific focus: Atheist/Agnostic/Secular, Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 889 6876 3286, Passcode: 216933
Meeting #: 800940
Notes: Secular Men’s OA meeting with ad hoc topic discussion followed by secular fellowship.
Gene H (please text)
Eastern Time
# 2
Sunday 8:00 AM
Eastern Time
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: OA Steps and/or Traditions Study, Speaker
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 815 2874 7246, Passcode: 12x12x12 +13017158592, 81528747246#, *55652094# US (Washington DC), +13126266799, 81528747246#, *55652094# US (Chicago)
Meeting #: 801149
Notes: Currently, we meet for one hour and fifteen minutes.
Eastern Time
# 3
Sunday 8:30 AM
Eastern Time
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: 90 Day, Literature
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 88360650133 Passcode: sundaymen
Meeting #: 89118
Notes: Format: Either speaker qualifies or meeting focuses on literature. Excellent men's meeting. Lots of fellowship. Great for newcomers. We're about 20 years old.
Eastern Time
# 4
Sunday 9:00 AM
Eastern Time
  • Online
Meeting WITHOUT visitors (closed)
Language: Spanish
Specific topic: Literature
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Vaya al enlace URL del sitio web anterior para obtener más información sobre las reuniones virtuales. ID de reunión: 571 404 9563, Código de acceso: 1212
Meeting #: 800335
Notes: Grupo Bill y Bob (Solamente Para Hombres Cerrado) Conferencista comparte por 15 min, leemos lectura solo por hoy, y compartimos 5 min cada miembro.
William P
Pacific Time
# 5
Sunday 9:00 AM
Eastern Time
  • Online
Meeting WITHOUT visitors (closed)
Language: English
Specific topic: Literature, Meditation
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 846 8269 1060, Passcode: 839471
Meeting #: 800973
Notes: Global Men’s Meditation Meeting please respect the focus. We meet daily at 8 AM CST. At each meeting, we meditate before moving on to sharing. We read from Voices Of Recovery and share about that topic or whatever else you feel like sharing.
Central Time
# 6
Sunday 12:00 PM
Eastern Time
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: OA Steps and/or Traditions Study
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the link above. Meeting ID: 879 8087 0221, Password: 826463
Meeting #: 89152
Dave B
Pacific Time
# 7
Sunday 12:00 PM
Eastern Time
  • Online
Meeting WITHOUT visitors (closed)
Language: French
Specific topic: Varies
Specific focus: Men, Women
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Accédez au lien URL du site Web ci-dessus. ID de réunion: 810 4633 8084, Code secret: 121209
Meeting #: 801368
Notes: Bonsoir Espoir Tous les samedis et dimanches à 18h Ouverte le 3 ieme samedi du mois
European Central Time
# 8
Sunday 12:30 PM
Eastern Time
  • Online
Meeting WITHOUT visitors (closed)
Language: English
Specific topic: Big Book, OA Second and/or Third Edition
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Zoom Meeting ID: 892 0988 1786, Password: 613613
Meeting #: 801321
Israel Time
# 9
Sunday 2:00 PM
Eastern Time
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: Hungarian
Specific topic: OA HOW, Varies
Specific focus: Men, Women
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Skype oahungary
Meeting #: 800749
European Central Time
# 10
Sunday 5:00 PM
Eastern Time
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: Varies
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 404 464 2180, passcode: recovery12. If you are using a phone only and not the Zoom app and cannot type a capital P, use code – 7326837912
Meeting #: 800532
Notes: Men's group, please respect the special focus.
Allen B
Eastern Time
# 11
Sunday 6:00 PM
Eastern Time
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: Varies
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above. Meeting ID: 958 0168 1888, Passcode: 071776
Meeting #: 800657
Notes: Sunday nights Men’s Meeting.
Eastern Time
# 12
Sunday 7:00 PM
Eastern Time


  • Face to Face
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: Newcomer, Speaker
Specific focus: Men, Women
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above. Meeting ID:729 142 059 Or dial-in: 646-876-9923. Please call or text the meeting contact for the passcode.
Face-to-face info
*Currently only held virtually
Meeting #: 35955
Notes: We warmly welcome all, especially newcomers and returners. Come and hear how this evening’s speaker is recovering from our often fatal disease. Join in the share that follows or just listen. We aren’t a “glum lot”. Q & A time follows the meeting.
Eastern Time
# 13
Sunday 7:00 PM
Eastern Time
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: Big Book
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the link above. Meeting ID: 852 3364 9606, Passcode: powerless
Meeting #: 89648
Notes: Brothers In Recovery is a 12-Step, Big Book meeting with a focus on men.
Eastern Time
# 14
Sunday 8:30 PM
Eastern Time
  • Online
Meeting WITHOUT visitors (closed)
Language: English
Specific topic: Speaker
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 852 4769 9943, Passcode: 409092
Meeting #: 89652
Eastern Time
# 15
Sunday 9:00 PM
Eastern Time
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: Big Book, OA Steps and/or Traditions Study
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 836 5420 5419, Passcode: 115540. One tap mobile: +13462487799,,83654205419#, *115540# or Dial in: +1 646 931 3860
Meeting #: 89166
Notes: We read from the literature together and then have time for shares. We use a waiting room to help maintain the meeting's safety.
No Contact #
Pacific Time
# 16
Sunday 9:00 PM
Eastern Time
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: Spanish
Specific topic: Literature, Tools
Specific focus: Men, Women
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Vaya al enlace URL del sitio web que aparece arriba para obtener más información sobre las reuniones virtuales. ID de reunión: 796 916 5402, Código de acceso: 121212
Meeting #: 801505
Notes: CCA/OA Virtual Freedom Group 2 Reuniones diarias por Zoom de lunes a domingo 10:00 a. m. Pacífico 6:00 p. m. hora del Pacífico
Pacific Time
# 17
Sunday 10:30 PM
Eastern Time


  • Face to Face
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic:
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Zoom ID: 8259445125, Password: 2020 or dial-in: 1-408-638-0968
Face-to-face info
SGVIE Intergroup Office- Hybrid meeting
Meeting #: 24353
Notes: Men's Stag meeting please respect the specific focus.
Darryl B
Pacific Time
# 18
Monday 1:15 AM
Eastern Time
  • Online
Meeting WITHOUT visitors (closed)
Language: French
Specific topic: Literature, Meditation
Specific focus: Men, Women
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Accédez au lien URL du site Web ci-dessus. Zoom ID de réunion: 835 3166 0315, Code secret: 121209
Meeting #: 801401
Notes: OAmis du matin - Désireux de trouver une réunion dés le matin qui nous permet de nous connecter à notre PS. Nous lisons une pensée OA du jour suivi d'une méditation suivi d'un temps d'écriture. Nous mettons nos idées et nos forces en commun.
European Central Time
# 19
Monday 4:00 AM
Eastern Time
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: Varies
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 84051301259, Password 737373.
Meeting #: 88843
Notes: If this is your first time using Zoom, download the Zoom app on your computer or mobile phone first.
Australia Eastern Time [Sydney]
# 20
Monday 9:00 AM
Eastern Time
  • Online
Meeting WITHOUT visitors (closed)
Language: English
Specific topic: Literature, Meditation
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the link above to Join Zoom Meeting. Meeting ID: 846 8269 1060, Passcode: 839471
Meeting #: 89642
Notes: Global Men’s Meditation Meeting please respect the focus. We meet daily at 8 AM CST. At each meeting, we meditate before moving on to sharing. We read from Voices Of Recovery and share about that topic or whatever else you feel like sharing.
Central Time