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# 1
Thursday 9:00 AM
  • Face to Face
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: OA Steps and/or Traditions Study, Newcomer
Specific focus: Men, Women
Meeting #: 58028
Notes: 3 blocks North of the Carretera.
Central Standard Time
# 2
Monday 12:00 PM
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: Literature, Speaker
Specific focus:
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings Zoom Meeting ID: 522 703 9364, Password: oamex. Contact can be reached via USA cell phone or Whats App (+1) 302-420-5128.
Meeting #: 800001
Notes: This very friendly video chat meeting in Mexico has members attending from all over the world. The meeting format changes each week of the month- it is a literature study (BB, OA 12 & 12 + others) and speaker meeting. Newcomers Welcome.
Central Standard Time
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You do NOT have to register to ATTEND any OA meeting.

Overeaters Anonymous has approximately 6,500 meetings in over 80 countries. Use the search options above to find a face-to-face meeting.

To be registered with the WSO, OA meetings must fulfill the definition of an OA group, which means they meet to practice the Twelve Steps and Traditions of OA, welcome all who have the desire to stop eating compulsively, do not require members to practice any actions to remain a member or to share at a meeting, and as a group they have no affiliation other than OA.

Alternative Methods to Finding an OA Meeting Near You — If you aren’t able to find a meeting in your city, please consider attending an online or telephone meeting or select the service body tab. Service bodies are central OA offices located in most urban areas. These offices are usually staffed by volunteer OA members who will be happy to answer your questions and assist you in finding a meeting in your area.