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# 1
Saturday 8:00 AM


  • Face to Face
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: OA Steps and/or Traditions Study, Speaker
Specific focus: Men
Face-to-face info
Virtual meeting. Hybrid 1st Saturday of even months.
Online Info
Visit meeting website

Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 851 1736 6930, Find your local number:
Meeting #: 45499
Notes: Face to Face on the 1st Saturday of even months only.
Ed R
Eastern Time
# 2
Sunday 9:00 AM
  • Online
Meeting WITHOUT visitors (closed)
Language: English
Specific topic: Literature, Meditation
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 846 8269 1060, Passcode: 839471
Meeting #: 800973
Notes: Please respect our Focus. We meet daily at 9:00 AM Eastern time. We begin with a 10-minute guided meditation, read the day’s Voices of Recovery, then share about it or any other recovery topic.
Eastern Time
# 3
Sunday 5:00 PM
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: Varies
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above. Meeting ID: 958 0168 1888, Passcode: 071776
Meeting #: 800657
Notes: Sunday nights Men’s Meeting.
Eastern Time
# 4
Sunday 6:00 PM
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: Big Book
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the link above. Meeting ID: 852 3364 9606, Passcode: powerless
Meeting #: 89648
Notes: Brothers In Recovery is a 12-Step, Big Book meeting with a focus on men.
Eastern Time
# 5
Sunday 8:30 PM
  • Online
Meeting WITHOUT visitors (closed)
Language: English
Specific topic: Speaker
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 852 4769 9943, Passcode: 409092
Meeting #: 89652
Eastern Time
# 6
Monday 9:00 AM
  • Online
Meeting WITHOUT visitors (closed)
Language: English
Specific topic: Literature, Meditation
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the link above to Join Zoom Meeting. Meeting ID: 846 8269 1060, Passcode: 839471
Meeting #: 89642
Notes: Global Men’s Meditation Meeting please respect the focus. We meet daily at 8 AM CST. At each meeting, we meditate before moving on to sharing. We read from Voices Of Recovery and share about that topic or whatever else you feel like sharing.
Eastern Time
# 7
Monday 2:00 PM
  • Online
Meeting WITHOUT visitors (closed)
Language: English
Specific topic: Literature, Topic
Specific focus: Body Image , Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 832 0825 2401, Password: 456978
Meeting #: 801080
Notes: Body Image Relationships & Sexuality Focus on Maintaining a Safe Space for Men to share Exp. Strngth, & Hope on the oa book, who have had the challenge of being 100-1000 overweight. Anyone who has desire to stop eating compulsively are welcome.
Central Time
# 8
Tuesday 9:00 AM
  • Online
Meeting WITHOUT visitors (closed)
Language: English
Specific topic: Literature, Meditation
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above. For security reasons, you must be signed in to Zoom before joining. Zoom Meeting ID: 846 8269 1060, Passcode: 839471
Meeting #: 800614
Notes: Global Men’s Meditation Meeting please respect the focus. We meet daily at 8 AM CST. At each meeting, we meditate before moving on to sharing. We read from Voices Of Recovery and share about that topic or whatever else you feel like sharing.
Eastern Time
# 9
Tuesday 7:00 PM
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: Literature, Speaker
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 883 8724 8307, Password: 242990669. Join by Phone +1 646 558 8656 US.
Meeting #: 89074
Notes: Check out Send a request to to be placed on our email list. Men's Helpline: 347-201-0914. Men's Newcomer meeting second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM, before the regular meeting.
Eastern Time
# 10
Tuesday 7:00 PM
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: Literature, Speaker
Specific focus: LGBTQ+, Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above. Meeting ID: 850 5835 4370, Password 808080
Meeting #: 88959
Notes: This a special interest group for Gay Men, please respect the focus.
Central Time
# 11
Wednesday 9:00 AM
  • Online
Meeting WITHOUT visitors (closed)
Language: English
Specific topic: Literature, Meditation
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the link above to Join Zoom Meeting. Meeting ID: 846 8269 1060, Passcode: 839471
Meeting #: 89643
Notes: Please respect our Focus. We meet daily at 9:00 AM Eastern time. We begin with a 10-minute guided meditation, read the day’s Voices of Recovery, then share about it or any other recovery topic.
Eastern Time
# 12
Wednesday 3:00 PM
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: Literature
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 869 2325 0156, Password: MensMeet
Meeting #: 800610
Notes: Men's special focus literature meeting. We read from AA and OA literature.
Pacific Time
# 13
Wednesday 7:00 PM
  • Online
Meeting WITHOUT visitors (closed)
Language: English
Specific topic: Speaker, Varies
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. 1-408-638-0986, Meeting ID: 9142636532#. International numbers are available at:
Meeting #: 88687
Ken G
Eastern Time
# 14
Wednesday 7:00 PM
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: Speaker
Specific focus: 100-Pounders, Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Zoom ID: 884 4817 8854, Passcode: recovering
Meeting #: 89282
Notes: Men's 100 pounds plus/plus meeting. A focused meeting sensitive to the issues pertaining to morbid obesity Meeting has a speaker each week with at least 90 days of current abstinence sharing their story. Length of meeting: 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Seth B
Eastern Time
# 15
Thursday 9:00 AM
  • Online
Meeting WITHOUT visitors (closed)
Language: English
Specific topic: Literature, Meditation
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above. For security reasons, you must be signed in to Zoom before joining. Zoom Meeting ID: 846 8269 1060, Passcode: 839471
Meeting #: 800616
Notes: Please respect our Focus. We meet daily at 9:00 AM Eastern time. We begin with a 10-minute guided meditation, read the day’s Voices of Recovery, then share about it or any other recovery topic.
Pedro E
Central Time
# 16
Thursday 3:00 PM
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: Varies
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Zoom ID: 83208252401, Password: 456978.
Meeting #: 88670
Notes: Mens OA Tools of recovery
Central Time
# 17
Thursday 7:15 PM
  • Online
Meeting WITHOUT visitors (closed)
Language: English
Specific topic: Ask-It-Basket, Literature
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above. Meeting ID: 554 985 4919, Passcode: oa
Meeting #: 89139
Pacific Time
# 18
Thursday 7:45 PM
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: Speaker
Specific focus: Body Image , Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 836 6556 0367, Passcode: bodyimage. Or join the meeting by phone: 1 929 205 6099, Meeting ID: 6556 0367, Passcode: 786270094.
Meeting #: 88920
Notes: Mens Body Image Focus. This is a special topic meeting focusing on men & body image. Speaker meeting format lasting one hour. Please note new Zoom ID number.
Michael W
Eastern Time
# 19
Friday 9:00 AM
  • Online
Meeting WITHOUT visitors (closed)
Language: English
Specific topic: Literature, Meditation
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 846 8269 1060, Passcode: 839471
Meeting #: 800381
Notes: Please respect our Focus. We meet daily at 9:00 AM Eastern time. We begin with a 10-minute guided meditation, read the day’s Voices of Recovery, then share about it or any other recovery topic.
Pedro E
Central Time
# 20
Friday 12:00 PM
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: OA Steps and/or Traditions Study, Varies
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the link above. Meeting ID: 869 2325 0156, Passcode: MensMeet
Meeting #: 89675
Notes: Discussion meeting with For Today reading.
Michael W
Pacific Time
# 21
Friday 7:00 PM
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: AA 12/12
Specific focus: 100-Pounders, Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 884 4817 8854, Password: recovering
Meeting #: 800678
Notes: Step Meeting using the A.A. 12 Steps and 12 Traditions. Special Focus on Maintaining a Safe Space for Men to share Exp. Strength, and Hope on Working the Steps and Trad. But anyone who has desire to stop eating compulsively are welcome.
Seth B
Eastern Time
# 22
Friday 7:30 PM
  • Online
Meeting WITHOUT visitors (closed)
Language: English
Specific topic: Maintenance
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Use the RingCentral Meeting app & enter the Meeting number. You can also call-in (Can) 1 647 494 4053 and (USA) 1 773 231 9226 & email for the meeting number. Highly recommend that you do a test. Text Jack 709-749-8888
Meeting #: 88681
Notes: Held every Friday evening. The meeting topic is the Maintenance Steps, rotating through Steps 10, 11 or 12. Step 10; Spiritual Principle is Perseverance; Step 11; Spiritual Principle is Spiritual Awareness; Step 12; Spiritual Principle is Service.
Canada Newfoundland Time
# 23
Saturday 8:00 AM
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: Literature, Varies
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 883 5909 4054, Passcode: 121212
Meeting #: 89852
Eastern Time
# 24
Saturday 9:00 AM
  • Online
Meeting WITHOUT visitors (closed)
Language: English
Specific topic: Literature, Meditation
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 846 8269 1060, Passcode: 839471
Meeting #: 800972
Notes: Please respect our Focus. We meet daily at 9:00 AM Eastern time. We begin with a 10-minute guided meditation, read the day’s Voices of Recovery, then share about it or any other recovery topic.
Pedro E
Eastern Time
# 25
Saturday 4:00 PM
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic:
Specific focus: Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above.Meeting ID: 821 0593 3707, Passcode 089864
Meeting #: 89029
Notes: Please respect the Men's meeting focus.
Pacific Time
# 26
Saturday 6:00 PM
  • Online
Meeting WITH visitors (open)
Language: English
Specific topic: Big Book
Specific focus: 100-Pounders, Men
Visit meeting website
Online procedures:
Go to the Website URL link above for more information on virtual meetings. Meeting ID: 884 4817 8854. Password: recovering
Meeting #: 801081
Notes: AA. Big Book. Special Focus on Maintaining a Safe Space for Men to share Exp. Strength, and Hope on the Big Book who have had the challenge of being 100-1000 overweight. Anyone who has desire to stop eating compulsively is welcome.
Seth B
Eastern Time
# 27
Monday 7:00 PM
  • Telephone
Meeting WITHOUT visitors (closed)
Language: English
Specific topic: Varies
Specific focus: Men
Meeting phone #: +1 712-451-1129
Pin # or instructions: 350025#
Follow Phone Prompts
Meeting #: 55543
Notes: *6 mute/unmute
Pacific Time
No Non-Real-Time Meetings Found

You do NOT have to register to ATTEND any OA meeting.

Overeaters Anonymous has approximately 6,500 meetings in over 80 countries. Use the search options above to find a face-to-face meeting.

To be registered with the WSO, OA meetings must fulfill the definition of an OA group, which means they meet to practice the Twelve Steps and Traditions of OA, welcome all who have the desire to stop eating compulsively, do not require members to practice any actions to remain a member or to share at a meeting, and as a group they have no affiliation other than OA.

Alternative Methods to Finding an OA Meeting Near You — If you aren’t able to find a meeting in your city, please consider attending an online or telephone meeting or select the service body tab. Service bodies are central OA offices located in most urban areas. These offices are usually staffed by volunteer OA members who will be happy to answer your questions and assist you in finding a meeting in your area.