Expanded and Improved! OA Handbook for Members, Groups, and Service Bodies: Everything You Need to Know About OA’s Structure

The OA Handbook for Members, Groups, and Service Bodies has been folded expanded and improved, making it now our most in-depth guide to service at all levels—from member to world service. The revamped OA Handbook gives an overview of OA and our most important policies, explains various responsibilities and roles in detail, and emphasizes practical ways to implement the Steps, Traditions, and Concepts with your fellows. Our Guidelines for Small Meetings: Help and Hope has been folded into the Handbook, and we’ve included a fun quiz at the end to test your knowledge of OA’s service structures!

The print edition (US$13.00) is indexed and spiral-bound, with a bright cover reflecting the wide world of our OA Fellowship. Find print copies of the OA Handbook (#120) in our bookstore for US$13.00, and e-book copies for US$9.99 from your favorite third-party retailer, below (links open to external websites):

Our Literature Catalog and Order Form have also been updated with the new OA Handbook and price. Download them to keep your ordering resources current.