Webmasters, newsletter editors, and document creators can now get “permalinks” to documents on oa.org. A permalink does not change or break when OA updates a document in the Document Library.
To get a document’s permalink, go to the Document Library or any other document link on oa.org. Instead of opening the document, right click, option click, or long press the link and select “Copy link” from the menu that appears. The link copied will be the document’s “permalink,” which will not change when the document is later updated by OA.
If you open the document in your browser, the URL shown will be the “cloud link,” which is breakable and not the permalink. Example, Suggested Meeting Format:
- Unbreakable permalink https://oa.org/suggested-meeting-format-2/
- Breakable cloud link https://media.oa.org/app/uploads/2022/06/22115921/suggested-meeting-format.pdf
Prior to this change, only cloud links (links beginning with “media.oa.org”) were available. With a cloud link, the string of numbers in the URL (22115921 in the example above) will change every time the document is updated by OA. The change creates a new URL and breaks the previous link.
We have added access to permalinks on oa.org so OA members who maintain service body websites, newsletters, or documents can keep those resources functioning with less rework caused by broken links. Thank you to these OA members for your service.