The OA Board of Trustees has unanimously approved a US$1,925,450 balanced budget for OA world services for the upcoming fiscal year from January 1 to December 31, 2025. The 2025 budget represents a 6.4 percent increase compared to 2024 and the board’s measured response to recent inflation and the projected needs of our Fellowship.
OA’s annual budget supports our World Service Office in Rio Rancho, New Mexico USA, where thirteen special workers maintain operations that serve the Fellowship as a whole, including:
- Publications
- Translations
- Warehouse and shipping
- Member services
- Find a Meeting database and websites
- Accounting and administration
The budget also funds:
- World Service Convention
- World Service Business Conference
- OA Board of Trustees, including the trustees’ work with their respective regions
Over the past fifteen years, OA annual world service budget has fluctuated between $1.75 and $1.9 million. It is funded by Seventh Tradition contributions from OA members, groups, and service bodies; sales of OA literature; and event registration fees.