Serve others and Recover.
A key part of recovery in addition to working the Twelve Steps? Service.
When you hear about performing service, you may think, “Wow. Working Twelve Steps and giving service? That’s a lot!” Rest assured, the last thing we at OA want to do is to overwhelm you. Service can be as simple as you want it to be. Here are some examples:
- Show up. Attending a meeting is service.
- Unlock the venue for meetings each week. This is a seemingly simple task, but one of great importance. Without this act of service, your group can’t meet to work on their recovery.
- Set up and clean up meetings. Putting out and returning chairs, making the books available, and passing out materials are all ways to serve.
- Participate in the meeting. Welcome newcomers, read or share your own experience, strength and hope on the topic.
When you are ready for more
- Moderate or lead the meeting. The leader/moderator is just a member who follows the format to keep the meeting on topic and on time.
- Operate the dashboard. Unique to the virtual world this position protects the meeting from disruptive participants.
- Participate in group conscience. There are always different ways of doing things and the meeting members decide together what is best for the group.
As your recovery continues, consider being an intergroup rep, attending the meeting, and bringing back the news to your group. You have many talents and gifts you can use in OA. Event planner? Help with workshops, retreats, and assemblies. A writer? Contribute to your local newsletter, or submit to calls for stories.
Providing service opens up a world beyond you, while also giving you a way to carry our message to others.
The best part? There’s a magical thing that happens when you serve others; you end up giving yourself a gift too.
Learn more in The Joy of Service! e-zine: