Where can I find OA?
OA’s Find a Meeting page will help you find all registered OA meetings. There are local face-to-face meetings in many cities. You are also welcome at our virtual meetings held via phone and online—whatever works best for you.
OA’s Find a Meeting page will help you find all registered OA meetings. There are local face-to-face meetings in many cities. You are also welcome at our virtual meetings held via phone and online—whatever works best for you.
The idea of OA came to founder Rozanne S. at a Gamblers Anonymous (GA) meeting she attended with a compulsive gambling friend in 1958. As GA members shared their stories, she heard her story—not of gambling, but of compulsive overeating. She knew then that the Twelve Step and Twelve Tradition program founded by Alcoholics Anonymous … Continued
There are suggested formats for many types of OA meetings: Face-to-face Newcomer Telephone Step study Young people Lifeline All meeting formats can be found in the Document Library under category “Meeting Formats, ” groups may decide to change the meeting formats to better meet their needs. We recommend attending five different meetings to decide which … Continued
The designation of “with visitors” and “without visitors” meetings have to do with the level of anonymity the group has chosen. If you think you have issues with food and are interested in exploring OA, you are welcome at any meeting—with or without visitors. If you are interested in OA for another reason, like you … Continued
Specific-topic meetings are designed for a specific subject matter or format. It is still an OA meeting and it still means we use the Twelve Steps to recover from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors. All OA members are welcome at these meetings. For a full list, see the Find a Meeting page.
Within the OA Fellowship there are many diverse ways of working the program. Specific topics indicate what you will share about in these meetings; the literature that will be read, what a speaker will talk about, if the members have a specific way of working their program. Each member—and subsequently each group—may adopt whatever method … Continued
Within the OA Fellowship, there are members who have discovered they are more comfortable meeting with other members who share similar attributes. All OA members are welcome at these meetings. For a full list, see the Find a Meeting page.
Cross talk during an OA meeting is giving advice to others who have already shared, speaking directly to another person rather than to the group, and questioning or interrupting the person speaking at the time. Read more.
OA has no specific guideline about mentioning food at meetings. Tradition Four gives each group the freedom to decide this issue for itself. If you or others in your group are concerned about this, ask the group to discuss the issue during a group conscience meeting.
Contact your local service body to find out what is available in your area. Virtual meetings may be useful if there are limited options for assistance.