The OA Board of Trustees has approved a significant new policy regarding OA meetings and attendance by minors. In accordance with the new board policy, previously approved OA resources, such as form letters and suggestion sheets, that reference participation of minors in OA will be removed from both oa.org and the World Service Office. The change is necessary to protect minors from potential harm and to protect OA, Inc. from potential liability.
The new OA board policy states:
Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. does not endorse allowing minors to attend face to face, online, telephone, or non-real-time meetings. Any decision to allow such individuals to attend a meeting is made locally. In this, OA is guided by the spirit of Tradition Four: “Each group is autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or OA as a whole.” It is recommended that a group or service body considering allowing minors to attend meetings, first obtain legal advice. Legal advice should be obtained before allowing such individuals to attend and before creating or instituting any applicable policies. Keep in mind that laws and rules regarding this issue may vary by country and jurisdiction. Other Twelve Step fellowships might be consulted or studied, but Overeaters Anonymous’ service structure is its own.
Note: The definition of a minor is based on the legal requirements within a state, province, and/or country.
You can view the new policy under the Group Resources page at https://oa.org/group-resources-list/policy-concerning-minors-attending-oa-meetings/.
Following approval of this policy, OA has removed or is removing the following resources from oa.org and from use by the World Service Office:
- The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions: A Kids’ View
- Billy’s Story
- How to Start a Teen Meeting
- “Teen Friendly” specific topic in Find a Meeting
- References to children and teens on the Family & Friends web page
In addition, the OA Board of Trustees will submit a motion to World Service Business Conference 2025 to remove the Conference Seal of Approval from The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions: A Kids’ View.
At oa.org/find-a-meeting, the “Young People” specific focus will be changed to “Young Adult.” Other OA material that references “Young People” will be updated to state “Young Adult.”
Questions and comments about this policy can be directed to the trustee liaison for your OA region. Contact the World Service Office to connect with your trustee liaison.