This chart shows how support and information flow to our groups through our service bodies and vice-versa.

The purpose of Affiliation is to help us count groups and service bodies for fair representation and to encourage the flow of support and information to all.
The purpose of Participation is to facilitate the support and flow of information within groups and service bodies that have a common need.
If a group affiliates with an intergroup, the group will be affiliated with the intergroup’s region. If a group affiliates with a national service board, that group will be affiliated with that national service board’s region.
If a group is not affiliated with an intergroup or a national service board, it is counted as an unaffiliated group of the region where the group exists, either the geographic region or the Virtual Region.
Any group or service body may participate in the activities (including voting) of another intergroup, national service board, language service board, and/or special-focus service board, and region with their permission.
An intergroup may affiliate with one national service board if it exists, shall be affiliated with one region, and may participate in one or more language service boards.
A national service board is affiliated with the region where their nation exists and may participate in one or more language service boards.
A language service board or special-focus service board may affiliate with one region. When the language or special-focus service board spans more than one region, it may choose which region to affiliate with. Should a language or special-focus service board choose not to affiliate with a region, the BOT chair shall assign a trustee to serve as liaison to that language or special-focus service board. The groups, service bodies, and groups acting as service bodies that participate in a language or special-focus service board retain their original affiliation.