OA has a Public Communications Policy and offers literature; video, audio, and print/PDF resources; social media content; and a Professional Exhibits Fund to support your service body’s Public Information and Professional Outreach (PIPO). You can also access PIPO resources in the Document Library under the categories “Public Information,” “Public Information Posters,” and “Professional Outreach.”
Public Communications Policy
It is proposed that Overeaters Anonymous adopt a Public Communications Policy. The purpose of the public communications policy is to assist Overeaters Anonymous to continue to grow the Fellowship and to carry its message to the compulsive eater who still suffers.
We fulfill our primary purpose most effectively by attraction and cooperation—not promotion or affiliation. Overeaters Anonymous is attracting when it tells people why we are, what we are, what we do, and how; we let them know that we are available if and when help is needed. We state the facts, which are communicated via all available forms of public media, always stressing personal anonymity at the public level. Overeaters Anonymous is cooperating when it works with others, rather than alone. Working with others broadens our scope and contacts, and we reach more of those in need.
Overeaters Anonymous and registered service bodies may purchase ads or send press releases and public service announcements, including those in relation to special events and promotions, in all forms of public media, provided personal anonymity is maintained for members of Overeaters Anonymous (contact names on media communication can include any special worker associated with public communications, as well as the first names of individual members). For more information on the implementation of this policy, see Overeaters Anonymous board-approved guidelines.
PIPO Literature
- Public Information and Professional Outreach Service Manual
- Professional Trade Shows Manual
- Guidelines for Public Information Events
- Guidelines for Professional Outreach Committees
- Guidelines for Health Fair Participation
- Guidelines for Anonymity in the Digital World
- Anonymity: The Meaning and Applications of Traditions Eleven and Twelve
- Using OA’s Public Service Announcements (PSAs)
Video Resources
Public Information
“OA has your back” PSA for web
Use the “paper plane” share button below for options to download, post, embed, or share this video (links open pop-up windows to third-party websites).
Also available:
- 30-second version of “OA has your back” PSA for web
- 60-second version of “OA has your back” PSA for broadcast television in North America (Contact your trustee liaison or region chair.)
“You are not alone” PSA for web
Use the “paper plane” share button below for options to download, post, embed, or share this video (links open pop-up windows to third-party websites).
Also available:
- 14-second version of “You are not alone” for web (food obsession)
- 13-seconde version of “You are not alone” for web (OA meetings and resources)
- 8-second version: “We know what that’s like” (food obsession)
“Many Symptoms, the OA Solution” PSA for web
Click or tap the three-dot icon at the top right and use the “paper plane” share button in the “More options” menu to download, post, embed, or share this video (links open pop-up windows to third-party websites).
Also available:
Professional Outreach
“Let OA Be Your Ally” Professional Outreach Video for Web
Use the “paper plane” share button below for options to download, post, embed, or share this video (links open pop-up windows to third-party websites).
Also available:
“One-on-One Professional Outreach” Video for Intergroups and Service Boards
Use the “paper plane” share button below for options to download, post, embed, or share this video (links open pop-up windows to third-party websites).
This video is meant to be used with the document One on One Professional Outreach: Demonstration Video and Talking Points, which can help guide OA members when speaking with their own health care professionals. The document can be found in the Document Library at oa.org.
Social Media Content
Standalone “Animated GIFs (MP4 video format)
These standalone “GIFs” can be used both as paid ads on social media channels and as content for social media posts. Use the “paper plane” share button below for options to download, post, embed, or share these “GIFs” (links open pop-up windows to third-party websites).
OA’s Social Media Channels
Registered groups and service bodies can share content from OA’s social media channels:
- https://lifeline.oa.org
- https://facebook.com/overeatersanonymousofficial
- https://www.instagram.com/overeatersanonymous_official
- https://youtube.com/@overeatersanonymousofficial
- https://vimeo.com/overeatersanonymous
- https://oa.org/event-calendar
- https://oa.org/news
- WSO News Bulletin (enter your email address on the Home page to sign up)
An important note: Sharing an existing OA social media post is different from copying and pasting OA content to create your own post. If you wish to use OA content to create your own post, first read our Copyright Requests page and Sharing OA-Copyright Material Electronically: A letter from the OA Board of Trustees to the Fell
Audio Resources
Note: Many radio stations will prefer to produce a brand new recording of your PSA to meet contemporary standards for sound quality. All registered OA service bodies are free to produce a new PSA that upholds OA’s Twelve Traditions, whether using an OA script or their own script.
Radio PSAs
Right/alt click or long press the links below or the audio player to download or save.
All other audio recordings produced by OA may be used for public information on broadcast radio. See our Copyright Requests page for more information.
Print and PDF Resources
Professionally printed materials at bookstore.oa.org
- Bulletin Board Attraction Sticky Notes
- New Prospect Card
- “Stop Hurting Yourself with Food” Public Information Poster
- Professional Presentation Folder
Downloadable PDFs
For all downloadable PDFs, go to the Document Library under the categories “Public Information,” “Public Information Posters,” and “Professional Outreach.”
Professional Exhibits Fund
The Professional Exhibits Fund has been established to help service bodies defray the cost of participation in professional tradeshows. The OA board’s Public Awareness/Professional Tradeshows Committee oversees the allocation of funding to service bodies. Applications are reviewed monthly, and there is no deadline to apply.
- Professional Exhibits Fund application
- Reduced-cost Literature for Events or Professional Outreach application
The fund accepts contributions from any OA member, group, or service body. Go to oa.org/contribute and select “Professional Exhibits Fund” from the “Designation” drop-down menu.